Metaverse, play-to-earn and NFT : Introducing Treeverse, one of the most anticipated games of 2022

published on 01 February 2022

Article by @Kryptonite0x

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Treeverse will be one of the first Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) available on both Phone and PC with a play-to-earn system.


Still under development, the game will be inspired by adventure games like Zelda Breath of the Wild or Valheim. We don’t have much information about the game itself yet, but we do know that players will be able to quest, create guilds and do PVP battles.

One character on the map
One character on the map
Another character ready to fight
Another character ready to fight

Regarding the characters, there will be several categories, such as archers or swordsmen. Each character will be able to do different actions, such as fishing to collect items. Here are some animations of a swordsman who fights:

See the full animation here :
See the full animation here :

Treeverse has its own economy, composed of two different tokens :

  • The first one is $SEED : it will be used in the game to buy items, rent plots and develop the character.
  • The second one is $ROOT, it will be the governance token of Treeverse and will be used to vote on future decisions/developments of the game.

$SEED and $ROOT will not be released until the game is fully developed.

From now on, you can only buy NFTs from the Treeverse collection if you are looking for an exposition to the game. Let’s take a look at that :

1. NFTrees

These are the first NFTs of the collection. The mint took place in February 2021 for a price of 0.2 ETH. The Floor of that collection today (January 30, 2022) is 13.3 ETH, which corresponds to 66.5x mint price.


A NFTree will play an important role in the game, as holders will be able to place their tree on the map for players to interact with and collect fruits in exchange for $SEED. 90% of the $SEEDs will go to the tree holder, the remaining 10% will be burned.

NFTree holders will receive passive income and the more players there are, the more income holders will get.

→ Collection link :

2. Founders Plot

The second collection of Treeverse are the Founders Plots. The mint took place in August 2021 for a price of 0.12 ETH. The Floor of a Plot today (January 30,2022) is 1.8 ETH, which correspond to 11x mint price.

Founders Plot
Founders Plot

Founders Plot holders will be able to rent their plot to players for $SEED. This will also be a kind of passive income for holders, as players will pay to have access to plots in the game.

→ Collection :

3. Timeless

Finally, the last NFTs of the collection are Timeless. The mint took place in November 2021 — it was free for NFTree holders and 0.22 ETH for Plot holders. Current floor price: 0.85 ETH, which correspond to 3.8x mint prince (for Plot holders).


We don’t have much information about Timeless yet, but it will certainly be possible to use them in the game, to quest and fight with them.

→ Collection :

Another important point to know is that players will be able to collect items through quests, marketplace, loot or by creating items through crafting. It will also be possible to turn items into NFT and sell them. Here is an overview of the items that will be sold.


The game will be free to play, players will be able to earn $SEED through quests, the goal being that any person can play Treeverse regardless of the size of their wallet.


Treeverse raised at 25 million valuation and big investors such as Animoca Brands, IdeoCo Labs, SkyVision Capital and angel investors like Stani Kulechov invested in the project.

They had an article on Forbes just after the fundraising :

Treeverse gathers all the current trends : gaming, play-to-earn, metaverse, NFTs, and it’s likely to grow even more in the days and months to come.

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